Call Structure
As well as either hitting the target, for melee or ranged weaponry, or naming them in the case of spells, combat calls in the hub system can be made up of up to 3 parts:
1) A damage amount, normally a multiple of 3
3) A material or elemental effect
Acceptable calls
A few examples or acceptable calls are:
(Hit with sword) 6
Dave Incinerate, 9 through fire
(hit with a bow using a silver arrow) 9 Silver
Given the prevelence of Black clad adventurers in Larp 'You in the Black, Incinerate, 9 through Fire' would not be sufficient to target a spell (unless of course there was only 1 black clad target)
The various calls and their effects and special rules are listed below, the reverse of the effects will normally be a call remove {effect} or dispell (effect) if it's an active spell.
Special Calls
These are calls that may turn up, however they are usually spell effects or do not fit in the other sections.
Melt, Rust, Shatter, Transmute, and Disintegrate
Heat and Chill
Detect Magical
The 'dispell' call will cancel any active spell it specifically targets (e.g. a wall of fire, a mages armour spell, temporary paralysis or sleep whilst the spell is in effect etc), however residual effects of a spell will not be removed (e.g. permanent effects like wither and petrify will not be removed).
Healing spells and potions will use the call 'heal {number}' and restore up to the number of hit points specified in the call to as many locations as need healing, they will not however go above the normal maximum hits for any location. Healing spells may be dodged in the same manner as normal spells if the recipient desires and is not incapactiated, however armour and magical defences will not hinder the delivery of a healing spell.
Mend, Melt, Rust, Shatter, Transmute, and Disintegrate
The calls of 'melt', 'rust', 'shatter', 'transmute', and 'disintegrate' all cause a target non-living, non-magical, object up to 1 cubic meter to be destroyed. However the methods by which they do this are slightly different. In all cases if the entirity of the object can be recovered it may be repaired by the use of a suitable spell.
- Melt heats an object, either melting it into a lump, or burning it to charred parts. The heat generated will cause the object to be dropped/placed on the ground.
- Rust applies water damage to an item, rusting, rotting, or eroding it rapidly to leave the object in the same shape but severely weakened to the the point of being unusable.
- Shatter cracks or tears an object into several shards or pieces.
- Transmute will transform an object into another non-living harmless (under normal cirmustances) object
- Disintegrate turns the target object into fine dust which is easily scattered by a light breeze
Mend reverses this process or repairs items broken under mundane circumstances assuming all the parts can be located and brought into close proximity
Heat and Chill
The calls 'heat' and 'chill' cause extreme heat or cold respectively in a non-living, non-magical, object however will not destroy it. Instead they force it to be dropped/placed on the ground, inflicting 6 points of fire (heat) or water (chill) damage that ignore dexterity and armour for every 15 seconds that it is still held for up to 1 minute. Armour may be targeted on a locational and per layer basis (e.g. Dave, Heat plate helm), either removing the affected part or roleplaying cutting the straps holding it in place are sufficient to avoid damage if it is done quickly.
Curses are another rare effect that are permanent until a set condition is met, the caster or GM will explain this condition after the encounter in which the curse was used. If the condition is not communicated to the victim then the curse will have no effect on them. The effect of a curse is to reduce the defensive abilities of a character, halving their defence value.
Detect Magical
Detect Magical will reveal any magical items up to normal spell range to briefly glow in such a way that the caster becomes aware of them, it will not however reveal anything about thier identity or purpose. For further knowledge of what an item is research will be required which may be carried out by any spellcaster. Either a ref or the person holding or wearing items detected in this way will indicate (verabally confirming 'my sword' for example) what is detected.
These calls indicate that an attack or spell has either been fully or partially resisted and not had the full effect expected. The nature of the manner in which it was avoided is indicated by:
Resist - Partially or fully resisted spell with a magical defence or magic resistance, or a partial resistance due to high dexterity or armour to knockback/strikedown effects.
Dodge - An attack or spell completely avoided with dexterity alone
Bounce - An attack or spell completely avoided with magic armour (spells) alone